How to use

Traditional Fire 

 1.    Place the kindlecone in the middle of your fire grate, bowl, hearth etc.

2.    Lay kindling up against the kindlecone to make a pyramid shape – “the pointy mountain” !

3.    Light the wick of the kindlecone.

4.    Leave the door slightly ajar whilst the kindling ignites, dependant on stove manufacturer’s instructions, to allow the wonderful aroma that is released to permeate your living space.

5.    When the kindling is fully ignited, lay fresh kindling on top followed by your chosen fuel – logs, coal, peat etc.

6.    Close the door and pour yourself a nice cup of tea !

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BBQ / Wood Oven

1.    Place your BBQ kindlecone in the middle of your charcoal BBQ or wood fired oven.

2.    Build the charcoal or kindling around and over the BBQ kindlecone leaving a space to access the wick.

3.    Light the wick of the BBQ kindlecone.

4.    Pour yourself a cold beer !

Wood Wick Votives

To get the longest burn from your wood wick votives:-

1.    Burn the candle for a maximum 3-4 hours each time

2.    Trim the wood wick to 2mm before lighting each time

3.    Remove any wood trimmings

4.    Make sure the candle is placed on a flat, heat resistant surface well away from children / pets / combustible material

WARNING:  Never leave fires or candles unattended.